Joss! Tv! Eliza!

I die now.
Edit: "Fellow Buffyverse alum Tim Minear is also on board"
Great chemistry and intriguing premise notwithstanding, you'd think that after Fox snuffed Whedon's Firefly and hung up on Dushku's Tru Calling, one or both of them would have been more than a little hesitant to get back into bed with the network. "Honestly? Walking back into that building was pretty damn strange," Whedon admits. But "I always had a good relationship with [20th Century Fox], and on the network end, it's a completely new bunch of people, and from what I’ve seen, a fairly impressive bunch."
Dushku seconds that emotion. "I really get the sense that they're committed to [this show]… It feels right."
Illyria skrev:Men vi borde ha en egen tråd till det här ändå!
While you scream, hyperventilate and then (hopefully) recover, I will tell you this: The news gets even better.
"Honey, I accidentally created this Fox show"
Peppe skrev:Alltså, idén i sig låter som vilken annan.
Eliza was wearing a hat with a big spiraling wheel on it, and she kept saying, 'Look into the wheel. You want to make television. You want it to be about me… ' It sounds hokey, but it really worked.
Whedon admitted there's a little dose of "The Matrix" in the plot -- "I do have that entire movie tattooed on my brain" -- and said "Dollhouse" will enable him and Dushku to explore some political and social issues.
TVWeek: Every "Firefly" fan is going to wonder: Was there any reluctance to return to Fox?
Whedon: It’s a brand new day over there. It’s a completely new bunch of people and they seem really intelligent and supportive. Walking back into the building was a little strange. But no. It was absolutely the last thing I saw coming, but absolutely the right thing to do. It’s like one of those movies where you keep waiting for somebody to fall in love with the hot girl. It was sort of meant to be. ... I mean, a network is a network. They have an agenda and it is not yours. And that’s OK, as long as you work hard to make the agendas coincide.
"In the middle of the lunch, I said, 'Oh, s---, I made up a show, and I have a title,'" recalls Whedon. "And that's when you know you're dead, when there's a title."
TVWeek: How did this idea come about?
Joss Whedon: Rather suddenly. It just sort of blurted forth. I was having lunch with Eliza and she was talking about wanting to do something and I made up the show. We went to Fox and they said, "Yeeeaeah!"
TVWeek: "Buffy" fans are sure to be excited, too.
Whedon: If they could only see what’s in my head right now.... They should be.
caffeineaddict skrev:Sweet! 7-avsnitts-miniserie alltså?
EW skrev:a seven-episode commitment for 2008 and a hefty license fee between $1.5 million and $2 million per ep
Glorificus skrev:caffeineaddict skrev:Sweet! 7-avsnitts-miniserie alltså?
Nja, det verkar ju vara en långserie. De har alltså gjort en beställning på sju avsnitt direkt, istället för bara ett pilotavsnitt.
caffeineaddict skrev:Jo, jag förstod det
Glorificus skrev:caffeineaddict skrev:Jo, jag förstod det
Jag som trodde du börjat bli lite slow. Kalle får sitta med the special kids, liksom. Och jag försökte förklara med långsamma ord.
A bear skrev:Jag kan inte fatta att det är sant. Då jag såg denna tråd så trodde jag att det var ett skämt. Joss är 1,93?!?
Peppe skrev:Nördar får inte vara för långa
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