Noggster skrev:Buffy är väl ändå en väldigt stark kvinna, och ingen man.. din gris! heh
HARMONY: I hope we won't lose touch.
WILLOW: No, we'll hang out.
WILLOW: Oh, I'm gonna miss her.
BUFFY: Don't you hate her?
WILLOW: Yes, with a fiery vengeance. She picked on me for ten years, the vacuous tramp.
XANDER: Guess who our commencement speaker is?
WILLOW: Siegfried?
WILLOW: One of the tigers?
Nobody messes with my boyfriend!
FAITH: Well, look at you, all dressed up in big sister's clothes.
XANDER: We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Joss Whedon skrev:Buffy punches Faith so fucking hard her head nearly snaps off.
Faith: You killed me.
Mayor: "The beast will walk upon the earth and darkness will follow. The several races of man will be as one in their terror and destruction." Aw, that's kind of sweet. Different races coming together.
Xander: I got friends on the line.
Xander: Welcome to the world of romance.
Anya: It's horrible. No wonder I used to get so much work.
Anya: Aren't we gonna kiss?
XANDER: Guess who our commencement speaker is?
WILLOW: Siegfried?
WILLOW: One of the tigers?
XANDER: Come out of the fantasy, Will.
XANDER: We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Seriens grundidé: High school är ett helvete. Bokstavligt talat. Så om Buffys Slayerskap har med den metaforen att göra kan hon inte gå ut high school utan att frigöra sig.WESLEY: This is mutiny.
BUFFY: I like to think of it as graduation.
FAITH: When I was a kid, a couple of miles outside of Boston there was this quarry. And all the kids used to swim there and jump off the rocks. And there was this one rock like forty feet up. I was the only one that would jump off it. All the older kids were too scared.
MAYOR: Not you though.
FAITH: Naah. I could do it easy.
MAYOR: Get some rest.
Buffy: Stealthy!
Angel: Not my best entrance.
ANYA (till Xander): Fine. You know what? I hope you die. (Xander går iväg.) Aren't we gonna kiss?
AKS skrev:Ännu ett hehe till scenen då Angel halkar. Jag älskar då denna så totalt seriösa karaktär får göra såna småsaker. [spoiler="AtS"]Lyckligtvis blir han mindre seriös i Angel, serien, och det finns ju en scen i S4 som speglar denna scen totalt. Vill minnas att Angel ska smyga in på Cordys rum och halkar på en massa smågrejer som står innanför fönstret. Det är en "spola tillbaka och titta en gång till"-scen för mig.
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