Joss Whedon skrev:Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT. I'm kicking off the book with a four issue arc that finds Buffy -- you guessed it -- living in Italy with The Immortal. (Scott -- don't be mad I spoiled the announcement -- saying it means I have to finish it.) Then I'll be overseeing the book more closely, to make sure it remains true. Gonna be interesting. And it just might tie in to...
The infamous Spike movie.
Och fortsätter sedan med lite nytt: skrev:Since Joss Whedon’s recent announcement, Buffy The Vampire Slayer fans have been clamoring for more info on the new Dark Horse comics. I’ve been asking around and I do have a few new tidbits. First, the new Buffy comic written by Whedon himself will come in the form of a four issue limited series, with further miniseries written by established comic pros and overseen by Whedon. The current talk is that Dark Horse is going for a “new look” with the new mini, but an artist hasn’t been chosen yet. Which brings me to my third point: the first mini may not even be coming out next year. Apparently the mini is in such an early stage that it’s not currently on Dark Horse’s 2006 slate. And given Whedon’s Hollywood commitments along with his Astonishing X-Men gig, a 2007 release date seems more likely.
New look? Och inte förrän 2007!