RalfiParpa skrev:Underbart när Jayne, Simon och Book spelar något skumt kortspel och insatsen består av små papperslappar som befriar vinnaren från en viss skeppssyssla.
noike skrev:På kommentarspåret näömns det att de faktiskt gjorde upp reglerna och la ut på nätet ifall någon vill spela det.
Mal: Yeah? What's entertaining?
Inara: I like watching the game. As with other situations, the key seems to be giving Jayne a heavy stick and standing back.
ylee: Yes, sir, Captain Tightpants.
Simon: Captain's a good fighter, he must know how to handle a sword.
Zoe: I think he knows which end to hold.
Zoe: Not necessarily. We can lure one or two of them away. Say infirmary? Take 'em out, be on Badger before he knows what happens.
Jayne: Only if his attention's elsewhere. What we need's a diversion. I say Zoe gets nekkid.
Wash: Nope.
Jayne: I could get nekkid.
All: No!
Mal: See how I'm not punching him? I think I've grown.
You know... I've, well, I really couldn't help but notice the cows. Yeah. A lot of cows. Cows, many. Those are COWS, guys!
As with other situations, the key seems to be giving Jayne a heavy stick and standing back.
The Ankh skrev:
Och; kan Inara och Mal bara fatta att de inte kan mptstå varan?
A bear skrev:folk lägger ju patiens på datorn, så varför inte.
MAL: Sure. It would be humiliating,
having to lie there while the better
man refuses to spill your blood.
Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Very quickly, offhandedly, MAL STABS Atherton!
MAL: Guess I'm just a good man.
He STABS him again!
MAL: Well, I'm all right.
HeY skrev:tjuven (namn?)
HeY skrev:River var underbar när hon fick texas dialekt
A bear skrev:HeY skrev:River var underbar när hon fick texas dialekt
London, snarare, kanske. Men jo, det är en höjdare.
HeY skrev:Jasså var de brittar :oops:
Det var då en ganska otydlig brittiska tycker jag, eller så var jag helt enkelt trött :rolleyes:
JAYNE (om River): That there, exactly the kind of diversion we could've used.
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