av A bear » tis jun 24, 2008 23:45
När jag bad om tips om oldschoolavsnitt fick jag följande från en som påstår sig veta:
An Unearthly Child (4 eps) - the first ever serial
The Daleks (7 eps) - first time we meet the daleks
The Azteks (4 eps) - earliest surviving historical serial
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (4 eps) - daleks again, but it's one of those "classic" classic serials
The Tomb of the Cybermen (4 eps) - earliest surviving cybermen story
The Mind Robber (5 eps) - awesome serial in which the Doctor must write fanfic to save the day
The Invasion (8 eps) - cybermen again, but we see UNIT for the first time
The War Games (10 eps) - the Doctor is put on trial by his own people
The Three Doctors (4 eps) - first multi-doctor episode
Terror of the Autons (4 eps) - first appearance of the Master
Inferno (7 eps) - alternate universe!
The Green Death (6 eps)
Genesis of the Daleks (6 eps) - the Doctor is sent back in time to avert the creation of the Daleks
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (6 eps) - very un-PC but fun, and also much loved by all *old* old schoolers
The Ribos Operation (4 eps) - beginning of the Key to Time saga, introduction of Romana
The Pirate Planet (4 eps) - part of the Key to Time saga, written by Douglas Adams so tons of fun
The City of Death (4 eps) - Romana II (she's regenerated in a previous story), written by Doug Adams
The Five Doctors (90 minute movie length ep) - multiple Doctor ep again - crazy cracked out fun
Black Orchid (2 eps) - fun serial, and the shortest one ever
Castrovalva (4 eps) - first Fifth Doctor serial
The Caves of Androzani (4 eps) - last Fifth Doctor ep, *loved* and recc'ed by every old schooler I've come across
The Two Doctors (3 45 min eps) - again, multi-Doctor crack
The Mark of the Rani (2 45 min eps) - The Rani is an evil Time Lord who makes fun of the Master and the Doctor
Remembrance of the Daleks (4 eps) - the Doctor fixes his mistake in Genesis of the Daleks; Ace beats up a Dalek with a baseball bat
Battlefield (4 eps) - the Brig returns from retirement, very fun storyline that incorporates Arthurian legend
The Curse of Fenric (4 eps) - a WWII story with no Nazis that still explores the evil humans are capable of
Survival (3 eps) - last classic DW ep before it was cancelled
Av det jag själv hunnit undersöka så är tvåan, trean och fyran klara favoriter, men sjuan är inte dum han heller.
"There's been a contamination."
"You're like the Michael Jordan of being a sonofabitch."
"I've been saying, anybody who didn't get that this is the last season after this scene was missing the point." - Joss Whedon, 7.01